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Web Designing Introduction

Web Designing Introduction

The wave of the 21st century, Information Advancement - is finally hitting Nepal. With this, many opportunities have transcended for dedicated Nepalese Tech Enthusiasts.

Among many careers in Information and Technology, Web Designing is one of the most flexible and in-demand profession.

Web design career is slowly and consistently rising in the Nepali market because of the high standard of web design and brand design in the global market. To keep up with the scenario, numerous corporate organizations in Nepal are also implementing the bleeding edge technology to acquire the upper hand to their competitors.

As the global standard peaks day by day, Nepali web designers also need to cope with this trend.

In this post, we will articulate web design career in the context of Nepal by separating them in the following sub-topics:

What is web design?

Web Design falls under the branch of Computer and Information Technology. Which means you need to know the basics of technology.

To be a professional web designer, you need to have a strong grasp of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while being comfortable with Adobe Suite of Tools.

Some argue that web designers do not need to learn markup languages like HTML and a client-side scripting language such as JavaScript. However, the caveat to this statement is, the nexus of Information and Technological field is ever-evolving. And one should be able to understand the application of the design, think it in terms of practicality. This way, it is easier to understand the viewpoint of the web developer, maintain good communication on the related topic, and be able to deliver an excellent product. As there is this saying, "The architect who cannot build a house is not an architect." this is true for web designers too. Henceforth, an important distinction between typical designers and web designers is - Web Designers are expected to be able to design a visual representation of the website in PSD or similar format and be able to reproduce them in the form of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Learn more  about   Brief history On Web Designing  , Roles And Type of a Web Designer , Scope of Web Design Career in Nepal  and  Future of Web Design .



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