Java Career and Scope in Nepal
"Write once, run anywhere," this is the core belief of the Java platform and to a much extent, this has become true. As of 2019, Java is quoted to be active on more than 10 billion devices.
Considering Java is present on devices like SIM cards, fridges, android mobiles, and all the way to personal computers, we can say Java programming language is a perfect choice for someone who is seeking for a stable career.
If you are still unsure and looking for decent reasons to dive into the Java development career, especially in the context of Nepal. This article will be handy for you because we are about to explore the scope of Java. We will be dissecting the topic into smaller sub-topics, this way it becomes easier to make the decision, and we can study the subject in more detail. Remember, if you are unsure and confused about any topics, you can reach us, we are all about Information and Technology and ready to help you anytime.
Nonetheless, here are the sub-topics:
- Java Introduction
- Application areas of Java
- The roles of a Java Developer
- A brief history of Java
- The many frameworks of Java
- The future of a Java Developer
- The career path of a Java Developer
- The scope of Java in Nepal
What is Java?
Java is a High-Level Object-Oriented Programming Language. It is an open-source platform which is robust, secure, and flexible.
Why is Java a High-Level programming language?
Because Java hides many low-level implementation details and gives programmers only the parts that matter. To achieve this, Java uses human-friendly syntax and write once run anywhere feature. This feature is the winning factor of Java because once you write code, this code is converted to a bytecode which then is run in JVM. Now, what is JVM? Java Virtual Machine or JVM is a program in a client machine which is responsible for executing the codes that developers like us write. Meaning the code that we write is converted to Bytecode, and the Java Virtual Machine runs it.
How JVM makes it possible to write once run anywhere? Because JVM is available for every platform. For example, there is a separate JVM for Mac users, so if you write code in windows machine, then you can compile your code to Bytecode and run the code in Mac with the help of JVM. JVM makes all the system calls which are responsible for executing your program. If you opt for other programming languages like C, then you have to write and compile different binaries for different devices. Therefore, Java saves lots of time. We don't have to maintain multiple codebases for every platform.
Application areas of Java:
All the Small, Medium, and Large Enterprise uses Java for their business. It is very popular in the corporate world for its stability and scalability.
Here are top fields where Java Programming Language is extensively used:
Java is the backbone of the fin-tech world. Most of the servers implement some sort of Java features in their program. Because of many libraries and frameworks available for Java programmers, the finance world prefers this language. Also, Java allows vertical as well as horizontal scaling, which is very important for scaling the system. The multi-threading capability of Java is also another reason for its popularity because, in fin-tech, many users are connected to the same server at the same time.
Embedded Technologies:
Java is capable of running in systems with very low specs. You need as little as 130kb of space to operate Java. Many smart cards and sensors use Java in them because of their low requirements.
Desktop Applications:
Java is used to build sophisticated applications such as antivirus application, book readers, media players, etc. This shows just how powerful Java is in building desktop applications. It is one area where Java really shines. Going into desktop app development should be one of your career moves. It is easy to get started in this field because the community is extensive. In Nepal too, the Java developers are in high number, and the demand is ever increasing.
Mobile App Development:
The domination of Android OS in the cell phone world has drastically raised the demand for Java developers because Java is natively supported by android. Popular IDE such as android studio and IntelliJ Idea supports Java. This makes the development of application faster. And there is a huge community of Java programmers in the mobile application development. Mobile app development is recommended in the context of Nepal because many Nepali people are getting online. Which means, there will be a surge in demand from corporates who wants to grab the e-market.
These are only a few areas where Java is prevalent. Additionally, Java is popular in the web development area, big data, robotics, gaming & animation, cloud applications, scientific applications, and in many facets of life.
The market for Java is growing day by day. As we already remarked, Java is best for career stability; thus, we recommend you start your journey to master Java. There are many Java training institutes in Nepal. Here in TechAxis, we provide a comprehensive Java Training course which will prepare you for a professional career as a Java Developer. Our focus is on making you job-ready, which means we will be doing practical projects, and by the end of the course, you will be able to build fully functioning Desktop applications.
The Roles of a Java Developer
- Contributing through-out the development cycle of software
- Develop, debug, analyze, and test the application
- Derive and recommend a better solution with the help of research
- Implement feature request from users programmatically
- Improvise the scalability and agility of the system by implementing new algorithms
- Develop and conceptualize technical design using best design patterns and architecture for the job in hand
- Study big data, and statistics to predict and conclude the behaviors of market trend, etc.
Java developers work mainly behind the scene. They are responsible for handling all the backend of the system. From coupling the front-end with the backend to designing the technical implementations of software, Java developers should be able to handle the lifecycle of an application. As the career advances, a Java developer should be able to communicate their message properly and maintain excellent documentation. A senior developer should be skillful enough to lead a team of developers, guide them throughout the project cycle, and produce high-quality applications while following guidelines and following global standards.
A brief history of Java
Java was initially developed for cable tv technology. However, the technical complexity limited them at that time, and it was later used for the internet of things because the concept was very implementable in these areas.
The first publicly available Java programming language as we know of it today was released in 1996 by Sun Microsystems under the supervision of James Gosling.
It quickly gained popularity after the implementation of Java applets which let Java run in the web browsers.
The many frameworks of Java
After you become proficient with Java. It is recommended to learn a framework because they save lots of time and prevent possible security loopholes. Besides they are easier to pick up if you are good with Java.
Here are the top frameworks as of 2019:
Spring was initiated as a dependency injection framework, but today you can build an entire enterprise-level application with this framework. Though the heart of the framework to couple the framework and your codes together is still there - there are other sub-projects of spring which lets you:
- create REST API base on HATEOAS principal
- develop mobile applications
- build command-line applications
- build websites, and many others
Google Web Toolkit:
Also known as GWT, this is a prevalent Java Front end Web framework. It allows deploying our client-side java code as JavaScript. GWT greatly enhances the development of websites if you are skilled in Java. You can easily develop front end designs with the help of widgets.
Hibernate is an ORM implemented in Java and for Java. It enhances your database access. Hibernate is responsible for making it possible to interact with incompatible systems. The object-relational modal provides 'hibernate' and users to follow a set of standards. This way, it becomes easy to switch databases with minimal code changes.
Java Server Faces (JSF):
JSF is a standardized server-side web framework. It simplifies the development of backend User Interface (UI) by introducing the component-based module to weave a front-end interface for backend users. With JSF, you can extend the functionalities and allow your application to respond differently depending on the client type. In this way, this framework becomes very powerful, and even though it is used for building UI, you can implement the full strength of Java because the JSF components are backed by Java Objects.
The career path of a Java Developer
Junior Java Developer (at least 2 years of OOP understanding): Most companies in Nepal are looking for passionate developers who have prior understanding of Object-Oriented Paradigm. Meaning if you already know other OOP based language, it is possible to apply in junior level Java Developer. Besides, bachelor level degree and other language and tools such as C/C++, J2EE, XML/ XHTML, etc. are preferred. Before applying to junior Java Developer role, we recommend you to take Java training. There are many Java training institutions in Nepal. These courses are mandatory for some degree because it will let you learn the tools necessary to collaborate properly in a team environment. The tools such as version control system, unit testing, etc.
Mid-Level Java Developer (4-6 year of Java experience): Advancing your career as mid-level Java Developer requires the extensive knowledge of Front-end as well as backend development. You should be able to complete most tasks without any difficulty. Learning the standards of software development and the best programming practices is the core of mid-level Java Developer. You have to maintain a code development practice
Senior Java Developer (at least 5 years of professional Java-based application development experience): As a senior Java developer, you are expected to lead a team of junior and mid-level Java developers. Besides, you should be proficient with major front-end libraries such as Jquery, Angular Js, etc. and backend technologies including spring, hibernate, etc. The database languages are also important. Both SQL and NoSQL (like MongoDB, Postgres) are recommended. Senior Developer has to manage a team, and taking management training is recommended. These training help you manage the team efficiently and deliver the project in time.
The future as a Java Developer
The demand for Java Developer is in upward trend day by day. The introduction of android technology has led to massive growth in demand for Java programmers. The future of Java developers is secure because it is very easy to switch to other languages from Java if the demand goes down, which is unlikely to happen.
The ever-evolving nature of Java and being managed by Oracle, Java will be used for generations to come. Particularly because Java is implementing the best feature of other programming languages, it ensures that the language is relevant and capable of performing advanced and critical tasks. It is also open-source, which means many people can contribute to and improve Java continuously.
In the case of Nepal, the implementation of Java in IT is increasing. This, without any question, means there will be need of Java developers. And if you want to innovate yourself like developing robots or simply inventing basic tools to enhance the lifestyle of human beings, you can use Java.
The scope of Java in Nepal
Java is gaining popularity in Nepal because many people are getting exposed to the world of technology with the recent introduction of affordable mobile devices. These devices mostly run on android. And many applications in android devices are developed with Java.
Many IT companies in Nepal develop android apps with Java programming language, and there is already well-established application developed with Java. There will be a market for Java developers since many small to medium (SME) are also looking for ways to transition their reach to the online world. These opportunities are up and coming days, and if you want to grab these opportunities, Java is a stable road.
Progressively, many IT institutions in Nepal are also exploring embedded technology to develop innovative technologies. This is a very niche area for hobbyists and passionate developers. Java is also an impressive field to let your creative side grow. It can be implemented to robotics which has a large scope in the world market.
The bottom line is, Java has an excellent scope in the Nepali market. With this, you need to remember that the Nepali market is very challenging with primitive infrastructures. To cope with this, you will need to employ creative ideas. Besides, you can do freelance or work remotely. In fact, many IT institutions in Nepal outsource their project. In this sense, the scope of Java developers in Nepal is very secure and stable.
Join us to trace the path to being a professional in Java and take a leap into technology with TechaAxis today. Learn from the best to surpass the rest with our Java training courses.