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Digital marketing is the term that is used for the targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing of products or services using digital technology to reach the user. You don’t have to go through door to door to promote your product, just sit in front of computer and start promoting your product. Basically it’s a collective term which is used when marketing meets internet and other form of new internet media.

Digital marketing includes:

Social Media Marketing: Social Media Marketing allows two-way communication between companies and customer’s. User can inquiry about the product and companies can brief about the product, and user can order by a single click.

Search Engine Optimization: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the technique of optimizing content of your website in order to get higher position in search engine result page. Number of tips and technique are applied to optimize a single page of your website to get better position.

Search Engine Marketing: This is little bit similar to SEO, but SEM include paid online advertising models such as CPC: cost per click. Learning SEO is always a better option for companies if search engine automatically gives you better ranking then why should you pay for it.

Why Digital Marketing Training?

Company without a digital strategy don’t have clear path to their success. They should analyze the digital appearance of their customers in order to get more profit. Let’s assume, you have a produce called “Easy kitchen cutter” a fantastic kitchen tool that everyone will surely buy it. But if you don’t promote it on digital platform you won’t get enough profit.

This is an internet era, if a company doesn’t have good digital presence I bet they won’t get new happy customers. Building a new business is not a big deal, but to run it smoothly and to get more profit it is necessary to build a strong social profile, search engine presence.

Digital marketing is easy because you can target your customer directly by their personal detail Like: Gender, Age, interest, Location. Which increases probability of selling product. Small company have little revenue and even capital, this is where digital marketing is more beneficial. If the idea is great, small investment can earn more money than expected.

Digital Marketing Career Opportunity In Nepal

Analyzing current trends, it can be said that future billionaire is on this field. Building career by this technique have plenty of option. This skill can be sold in global market. Many IT companies are hiring digital marketing expert nowadays. Even you work as freelancer for different company. Just enroll now to get more knowledge about this. Once you come to this field I promise you will love it. The average Salary of digital marketing manager around the globe is shown in table below.


    Digital marketing training refers to the process of learning how to promote products or services through digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and mobile apps.

    • Digital marketing is a rapidly growing field, and there is a high demand for professionals with digital marketing skills.
    • Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of roles and responsibilities, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and more.
    • Digital marketing can be a cost-effective way to reach a large audience. By learning digital marketing, you can create campaigns that target specific demographics, which can lead to higher conversion rates and a higher return on investment (ROI).
    • Digital marketing campaigns can be tracked and analyzed in real-time, which means that you can quickly identify what is working and what is not. By learning digital marketing, you can become proficient in using analytics tools and leverage data to optimize your campaigns and improve your results.
    • Digital marketing is constantly evolving, which means that there is always something new to learn. By learning digital marketing, you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies and continue to develop your skills throughout your career.

Course overview

Digital marking is one the fastest growing marketing technique used in today’s dynamic business world. Digital marketing training in Nepal is one of the most tools used in promotion of existing or new product or services discovered in every kind or organization. Hiring Digital marketing certified candidate is dream of every organization in order to interact directly with its customer and know about their need and desires and manufacture the product and services accordingly. The more people are engaged in digital media these days and marketing in digital form is more effective in a way that the users cannot skip the advertisement as in television so the number of viewers will be high.

The main purpose of digital marketing training in Nepal is to interact with targeted customer directly via digital media using electronic tools and channels. It elps to develop strong wanting to know more about the targeted group of individual about the product and services you are offering to. The main purpose of digital marketing is to grow the business and increasing revenue by satisfying the need of customers.

Career opportunities in digital marketing

  • Able to detect the problem occur in business like decrease or increase in demand of every product in market and manufacture accordingly.
  • Digital Marketing certified employ helps to anticipate the change in sale and the cause behind the sales.
  • Making people aware and renowned about the product and services you have been providing is one of the crucial part of every organization so here the digital marketing helps to grow the business by making the product and services known to targeted customer.
  • The field of Digital marketing helps you to grow you knowledge and skills outside of the box and respect the innovation as customer want more advances in reaching to the targeted customer and the product which satisfied their need.

Digital marketing certified can serve the organization as direct marketing associate, direct marketing specialist, Direct marketing Manager, Direct marketing Director and many more. Hence, digital marketing is continuously developing and updating filed where you can grow you skills and knowledge at every phase. Hence, you have the bright future in this digital world of marketing you are heartily welcome and maintain you profile as candidate which every organization desires to hire.

Teaching Methodology

  • Handful of assignments, tutorials and lab test of each chapter.
  • Periodic feedback from Trainer and Trainee and do the required changes as per necessity.
  • Each trainee need to develop demo application on their own, taking assistance form trainer when ever required.


  • Good command in english language
  • Good knowledge of Computer, Softwares, Social Platform like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.
  • Understanding of Softwares and Software installation.

Course content

courses | 2 Months


  • Importance Of Digital Marketing
  • How did Internet Marketing work?
  • Traditional Vs. Digital Marketing
  • Types of Digital Marketing
  • Increasing Visibility
  • Visitors’ Engagement
  • Bringing Targeted Traffic
  • Lead Generation

Analysis and Keyword Research

  • Market Research
  • Keyword Research and Analysis
  • Types of Keywords
  • Tools Used For Keyword Research
  • Localized Keyword Research
  • Competitor Website Keyword Analysis
  • Choosing Right Keywords to the Project

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • SEO Fundamentals & Concepts
  • Understanding the SERP Google Processing
  • Indexing
  • Crawling

On Page Optimization

  • Meta Data Optimization
  • URL Optimization
  • Internal Linking
  • Canonical Implementation
  • H1, H2, H3 Tags Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Creating XML Sitemap Robot.txt

Off Page Optimization

  • Link Building: Earning backlinks from high-quality websites.
  • Social Media Marketing: Promoting content and website on social media platforms.
  • Content Marketing: Creating valuable content to attract links naturally.
  • Brand Building: Increasing brand awareness and trust to encourage backlinks. 
  • Public Relations (PR): Securing positive press mentions with backlinks.


  • Link Building Tips & Techniques
  • White Hat and Black Hat SEO
  • Alexa Rank, Domain
  • Link Acquisition Techniques
  • Directory Submission
  • Social Bookmarking Submission
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Web 2.0 Submission
  • Article Submission
  • Image Submission
  • Video Submission
  • Forum Submission
  • PPT Submission
  • PDF Submission
  • Classified Submission
  • Business Listing
  • Blog Commenting
  • Citations
  • Profile link creations
  • Infographics Submission

SEO Updated and Analysis

  • Google Panda
  • Penguin
  • Humming Bird Algorithm
  • Google Penalties
  • SEO Tools For Website Analysis
  • Competitor Website Analysis and Backlinks
  • Backlinks Tracking, Monitoring

Local Business & Google Mapping

  • Creating Local Listing In Search Engine
  • Google Places Setup
  • Search Engine Visibility Reports
  • Verification of Listing
  • Google Reviews

Google Adwords or Pay Per Click Marketing (SEM)

  • Google Adwords
  • Introduction To Online Advertising
  • Adwords Account and Campaign Basics
  • Adwords Targeting and Placement
  • Adwords Bidding and Budgeting
  • Adwords Tools

Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • Social Media Optimization
  • Introduction to Social Media Networks
  • Types of Social Media Websites
  • Social Media Optimization Concepts
  • Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn,YouTube, Pinterest, Hashtags
  • Image Optimization
Social Media Marketing (SMM)

  • Facebook Optimization
  • Fan Page Vs Profile Vs Group
  • Creating Facebook Page for Business
  • Increasing Fans and Doing Marketing
  • Facebook Analytics
  • Creating Advertising Campaigns
  • Payment Modes

Introduction to Twitter

  • Creating Strong Profiles on Twitter
  • Followers, ReTweets, Clicks
  • Conversions, HashTags

LinkedIn Optimization

  • What is LinkedIn?
  • Individual Profile Vs. Company Profile
  • Branding on LinkedIn
  • Marketing on LinkedIn Groups

Google Plus

  • Tools & Techniques
  • Google + Groups
  • Google Plus for Businesses

Google Web Analytics

  • Getting Started with Google Analytics
  • Navigating Google Analytics
  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Audience
  • Live Data
  • Demographics

Webmaster Tools

  • Adding site and verification
  • Setting Geo-target location
  • Search Queries Analysis
  • Filtering Search Queries
  • External Links report
  • Crawls Stats and Errors
  • Sitemaps
  • Text and Links Removal

Project Work

  • Project Work
  • Project Evaluation and Feedback
  • Deploying Project

Building Website Using WordPress

  • WordPress Fundamentals
  • Design and Customization
  • Digital Marketing Integration
  • Security and Maintenance

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