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Welcome to the most efficient and trusted and work friendly Python Programming Training in Nepal developed by TechAxis Nepal. This training is running in our Institute since when the institute is established. We have the most experienced teacher having teaching as well as years of working experience in Python in IT Industry. Python Training with Django Framework in Nepal will enable you to take a new step toward your programming career and enhance your programming ideas and techniques.

Python Programming is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language. It is an interactive, high-level programming language created by Guido van Rossum in the late eighties and early nineties. Python source code is available under the GNU general public license just like Perl.

We have designed the best Python Course in Nepal in a way that people with ZERO programming knowledge can learn this course easily. This python course for beginners is designed for programming students willing to make their future in Python programming in Nepal. We will teach to make advance python programming starting from the very beginning i.e. scratch. Our Python Training in Nepal will give you enough ideas and knowledge on python programming from where you can take yourself to a whole new level of programming expertise.

The best python trainer in Kathmandu will take your class here in TechAxis. who will be giving you the necessary lecture and videos at the beginning of the class and the followed by the practical section.


    Python is a powerful, high-level programming language that is widely used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.

    • Python has simple syntax and an easy-to-learn structure, which makes it an ideal language for beginners and advanced developers alike.
    • Django is a high-level web framework written in Python that allows developers to create complex web applications quickly and easily.
    • Django provides many built-in features, such as URL routing, template rendering, authentication, and database management, which reduces the time and effort required to build web applications.
    • Together, Python and Django provide a robust platform for developing web applications. Python's simplicity and flexibility make it easy to write and maintain code, while Django's built-in features and third-party packages simplify many common web development tasks.

Course overview

Python is a popular simulated, high-level programming language. It was originally designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. It was mainly designed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code.

Python is consistently ranked as one of the easiest programming languages to learn, and is known for its high reliability and simple syntax, which makes easy to learn for new coders particularly.

Python was designed to be simple to understand and fun to use. Fun is a terrific motivator, and since you'll have the ability to build prototypes and tools quickly with Python, many find coding in Python a satisfying experience. Thus, Python has gained fame for being a beginner- friendly language. Being a very high-level speech, Python reads like English, which reduces a whole lot of syntax-learning stress for beginners.

Hence, you can use this programming language for creating both desktop and web applications. Python Language is designed with features to facilitate data analysis and visualization. You can take advantage of the data analysis features of Python to create custom big data solutions without putting additional time and effort. At exactly the exact same time, the information visualization libraries and APIs provided by Python enable you to visualize and present data in a more attractive and powerful way. Many Python developers use Python Programming to accomplish artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing tasks.

Career In Python

As a fresher, you might apply for jobs like Software Engineer, Front-End Software/Web Programmer, Python Programmer or Programmer, and DevOps Engineer.

Python Developer: The vast majority work of a python programmer deals with integrating various systems into a unified and compatible format or platform. This includes configuring servers and databases, including data storage, secure and protect the database, and handle all the different elements of a software.

Software Developer: With their multi-face nature, python jobs as software developers deal mainly in planning, strategizing, and managing the software development alongside the coding and configuring part. Python developers are especially included in software projects since integrating the different elements of a project are simple with python and, once installed, the maintenance is majorly handled via python.

DevOps Engineer: DevOps Engineers are specialized python tasks that deal exclusively in networks and servers and their maintenance. They configure, maintain, and operate networks and servers. They also construct the storage and database architecture and are responsible for a secure, protected, optimized, and easily running networked system.

Data Scientist: The achievement one can have as a python developer is to become a data scientist. While not one of the python tasks directly, using this language is extensive and its versatility can cover most of the data science works.

Teaching Methodology

  • Focus on foundation knowledge in python to real time software development
  • Handful of assignments, tutorials and lab test of each chapter.
  • Periodic feedback from Trainer and Trainee and do the required changes as per necessity.
  • Each trainee need to develop demo application on their own, taking assistance form trainer when ever required.


  • Good command in english language
  • Good knowledge of Computer, Softwares
  • Basic Knowledge programming language like C/C++ would be a plus
  • Understanding of Softwares and Software installation.

Course content

courses | 2 Months

Introduction Basic syntax of Python
  • History
  • Features
  • Environment setup
  • Setting up path
  • Working with Python
  • Basic Syntax
  • Variable and Data Types
  • Operator
Variables, expressions, and statements

  • Values and types
  • Variables
  • Variable names and keywords
  • Operators and operands
  • Expressions and statements
  • Interactive mode and script mode
  • Order of operations
  • String operations
  • Comments
  • Debugging


  • Function calls
  • Type conversion functions
  • Math functions
  • Composition
  • Adding new functions
  • Definitions and uses
  • Flow of execution
  • Parameters and arguments
  • Variables and parameters are local
  • Stack diagrams
  • Fruitful functions and void functions
  • Why functions?
  • Importing with from
  • Debugging

Conditionals and recursion

  • Modulus operator
  • Boolean expressions
  • Logical operators
  • Conditional execution
  • Alternative execution
  • Chained conditionals
  • Nested conditionals
  • Recursion
  • Stack diagrams for recursive functions
  • Infinite recursion
  • Keyboard input
  • Debugging

Fruitful functions

  • Return values
  • Incremental development
  • Composition
  • Boolean functions
  • More recursion
  • Leap of faith
  • One more example
  • Checking types
  • Debugging


  • Multiple assignments
  • Updating variables
  • The while statement
  • Break
  • Square roots
  • Algorithms
  • Debugging


  • A string is a sequence
  • Len
  • Traversal with a for loop
  • String slices
  • Strings are immutable
  • Searching
  • Looping and counting
  • String methods
  • The in operator
  • String comparison
  • Debugging


  • A list is a sequence
  • Lists are mutable
  • Traversing a list
  • List operations
  • List slices
  • List methods
  • Map, filter and reduce
  • Deleting elements
  • Lists and strings
  • Objects and values
  • Aliasing
  • List arguments
  • Debugging


  • Dictionary as a set of counters
  • Looping and dictionaries
  • Reverse Lookup
  • Dictionaries and lists
  • Memos
  • Global variables
  • Long integers
  • Debugging


  • Tuples are immutable
  • Tuple assignment
  • Tuples as return values
  • Variable-length argument tuples
  • Lists and tuples
  • Dictionaries and tuples
  • Comparing tuples
  • Sequences of sequences
  • Debugging


  • Persistence
  • Reading and writing
  • Format operator
  • Filenames and paths
  • Catching exceptions
  • Databases
  • Pickling
  • Pipes
  • Writing modules
  • Debugging

Classes and objects
  • User-defined types
  • Attributes
  • Rectangles
  • Instances as return values
  • Objects are mutable
  • Copying
  • Classes and methods
  • Object-oriented features
  • Printing objects
  • Another example
  • A more complicated example
  • The init method
  • The ­­­__str__ method
  • Operator overloading
  • Type-based dispatch
  • Polymorphism
  • Debugging
Inheritance and Encapsulation

  • Card objects
  • Class attributes
  • Comparing cards
  • Decks
  • Printing the deck
  • Add, remove, shuffle and sort
  • Inheritance
  • Class diagrams
  • Debugging
  • Data encapsulation

Advance Python
  • Card objects
  • Advanced Strings, Date & Time
  • Python os, re, sys
  • GUI Basics: Tkinter, Tcl/Tk
  • Comprehensions: List, Dictionary
  • CSV, JSON, XML, SQLite with Python
  • Data Science/Visualization: pandas, matplotlib
  • Jupyter NoteBook
Introduction to Python and Django basics
  • Testing Setup
  • Creating Django Project
  • Creating a Django Application
  • Creating a View
  • Mapping URLs
  • Basic Workflows
Templates and Static Media
  • Using Templates
  • Configuring the Templates Directory
  • Dynamic Paths
  • Serving Static Media
  • Configuring the Static Media Directory
  • Static Media Files and Templates
  • The Static Media Server
Models and Databases
  • Telling Django About Database
  • Creating Models
  • Creating and Synchronizing the Database
  • Generated SQL
  • Django Models and the Django Shell
  • Configuring the Admin Interface
  • Creating a Population Script
Models, Templates, and Views

  • Basic Workflow: Data-Driven Pages
  • Importing Required Models
  • Modifying the Index View
  • Modifying the Index Template
  • Creating a Details Page 
    1. URL Design and Mapping
    2. Category Page Workflow
    3. Category View Category Template
    4. Parameterized URL Mapping
    5 .Modifying the Index View and Template
  • Working with Forms
  • User Authentication
  • Setting up Authentication
  • The User Model
  • Additional User Attributes
  • Creating a User Registration View and Template
  • AJAX, Django, and Jquery

Project Work
  • Project Work on Advanced Python Concepts or Django
  • Project Evaluation and Feedback.
  • Deploying Project

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