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MERN Stack Training In Nepal
  • Schedule Black Duration 2.5 months

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MERN Stack Training is a deep dive into the MERN Stack of technologies. MERN Stack (Mongo, Express, React and Node.js) is an open-source JavaScript-based web application stack which helps in creating scalable server-side applications. It is basically a collection of modular JavaScript web development tools that work together. At TechAxis, we are specialized in providing MERN Stack Training accessible through different learning options. These platforms are some of the best places to learn MERN Stack in Nepal.

As the popularity of JavaScript frameworks has been increasing, lots of new ones are created as well. Among them, the MERN stack is one of the most popular frameworks that come with features like intuitive and developer-friendly APIs, testability and performance that can be used to build web and mobile applications.

MongoDB: MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. These documents can have their structure modified and fields can be added, removed or changed. The structure is enforced by a schema. 

Express JS: Express.js is a framework for Node.js that helps simplify the process of web application development. While there are several frameworks and libraries in this sphere, only Express.js is open-source and free of charge.

React JS: What is React? It's a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React makes it fast and easy to build interactive web and mobile applications by bundling all of the logic in one place and allowing complete control over the user’s experience by any JavaScript developer.

Node JS: Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices

Why should you learn MERN Stack?

  • Full Stack Development: MERN is a full-stack JavaScript framework which allows you to develop a fully functional application using only JavaScript. 
  • It's super simple: There are 3 core frameworks in MERN - Database, React and Node but the basics of each framework are quite simple to learn if you are familiar with HTML and CSS. Each of these frameworks has a different purpose but they all work together to create a dynamic website or web app without any issues. So if you are looking for something easy to learn and work with then the MERN Stack course is the way to go!


    MERN stack training is beneficial for individuals who are interested in developing web applications. MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, which are four technologies that work together to create a full-stack web development framework.

    • With MERN stack training, you can learn how to build both the front-end and back-end of web applications. This means you will have a comprehensive understanding of the entire web development process, from creating a database to designing the user interface.
    • Companies are constantly seeking developers with experience in MERN stack development. Learning MERN stack can provide you with valuable skills that can increase your job opportunities.
    • MERN stack is a scalable framework that can handle large amounts of data and traffic. It is also flexible, making it easier to update and modify applications as needed.
    • All the technologies used in MERN stack development are open-source, meaning there are no licensing fees associated with their use. This can reduce costs and make it easier to develop and deploy applications.

Course overview

MERN (Mongo, Express, React and Node) is a modern stack for building web applications. It is largely used by developers to build web applications that are highly scalable, robust and responsive.

The stack was created to help developers get familiar with a new way of thinking about building websites. Whether you're fleshing out an idea for a start-up or planning your next career move, this MERN Stack training will ensure you're ready to make big waves when the time comes.

The rapid growth in demand for JavaScript Web Developers has led to the development of many more JavaScript Frameworks. AngularJS, ReactJS, and Node JS are famous among these frameworks.

Reasons to take MERN Stack Training:

The MEAN stack has been used in a lot of web applications, but it is not the only option available. The MERN stack is an alternative that is gaining popularity. Here are few reason Why MERN Stack development training is important.

  • You can save money: Full-stack development services are usually expensive. However, if you want to develop an application on your own, this stack will help you do it fast and without spending higher amount.
  • You can shorten your development cycle: with MERN Stack, you can develop an application easily, quickly, and effectively. As a result, it will be developed within the shortest time possible.
  • You can focus on the user interface: Using ReactJS as your view engine will improve the front-end experience of your application. This means that users will get better performance from your application's front end and will have more fun using it.
  • You can use reusable components: with ReactJS, you can reuse code for all sorts of functionalities, which will save you time and money on the development of more complex aspects of your application's front-end function.

The best thing about MERN is that you can use it regardless of the programming language you choose. This advantage allows you to build your projects in JavaScript, which is quite popular among developers today.

Express.js is a JavaScript framework that provides functionality for creating websites and applications with a Node.js runtime environment. It simplifies server-side scripting with asynchronous request handling and control flow, which makes it easier to create "Single Page Applications".

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that have become immensely popular in recent years due to its flexibility and high-performance capabilities. Its main advantages include virtual DOM, one-way data binding, and component-based approach to web development, amongst others.

Scope and Career after MERN Stack Training

Till now, we discussed about the MERN stack basics and its importance. Now it's time to choose the right career with this technology. There are many jobs you can opt for after learning MERN stack. Let's discuss them:

Full Stack Developers

Full-stack developers are experts in both the back-end and front-end development processes. You will be capable of developing any website or mobile app from scratch. You can also fix bugs by understanding both the front and back-end functioning of a system.

Front End Developer

Front End Developer developers work on the design and layout of websites. As a front-end developer, you will be developing user interfaces which are visible to users, not hidden in background codes. Also, this is the crucial part of web/app development because UI helps users to navigate easily towards their intended action.

Back End Developer

The main job of back end developer is to connect UI with database and help in the user experience. Also, back end developers are required to troubleshoot and debug errors happening on back end. As a backend developer, you will be responsible to handle each and every processes on the hidden part of the web layout and user experience. 

At the End, MERN stack is one of the trending stacks in the application/web development field. If you want to become an all-rounder in these fields then the MERN Stack course is the best fit for you. Also, there are many job options you can acquire after MERN stack Training. 

Teaching Methodology

  • Handful of assignments, tutorials and lab test of each chapter.
  • Periodic feedback from Trainer and Trainee and do the required changes as per necessity.
  • Each trainee need to develop demo application on their own, taking assistance form trainer when ever required. 


  • Good command in english language
  • Good knowledge of Computer, Softwares
  • Basic Knowledge programming language like C/C++ would be a plus
  • Understanding of Softwares and Software installation. 

Course content

courses | 2.5 months


  • Introduction to Course
  • Installing the Text Editors, IDE
  • What is the Web?
  • Review of Project what we can do with the course
  • Existing Project overview

Environment SetUp

  • Command Prompt(Command Line)
  • Git and Github Introduction
  • Git workflow(Branching, Push, Pull)
  • NPM, Yarn
  • Postman

HTML Crash Course

  • Introduction and HTML Basics
  • Basic Tagging
  • Lists
  • Divs and Spans
  • Attributes
  • Tables
  • Forms Basics
  • Forms and Labels
  • Forms and Selections


  • CSS Basics
  • Backgrounds and Borders
  • Selectors Tags
  • Specificity
  • Fonts
  • Box Model

BootStrap Overview

  • Bootstrap Introduction
  • Buttons
  • Forms
  • Navbars
  • Grid


  • Basics
  • Connecting Javascript
  • Operators
  • Control Flow
  • Loops
  • Functions and Closure
  • Arrays
  • Objects
  • Inbuilt Methods
  • Prototypes(prototype based inheritance)
  • ES5 and ES6 standards

Node JS

  • What is Node js?
  • Installing Node js
  • Command Prompt Basics
  • The Inbuilt modules of Node js

Express JS

  • Introduction to Express
  • Starting the localhost server using Express
  • Request and Response
  • Installing the Nodemon (npm package)
  • Routing in express
  • Responding the request with a HTML file
  • body parser module


  • Introduction to the API
  • Introducing JSON - a way of communicating
  • Making a weather forecasting website
  • GET request for JSON
  • parsing the JSON
  • Getting live API data
  • body parser to post request to the server


  • Installing MongoDB
  • Everything about MongoDB
  •  How to Use mongodb
  •  Installing mongodb on windows
  • Installing Mongodb module as global package using npm
  •  Connecting mongodb using mongodb client
  • Mongodb client – inserting data
  • Reading all data from mongo db.
  • Updating data in mongodb
  • Deleting data from mongo db.

Working with Relational Databases (MySQL)

  • Installation of MySQL
  • Connecting to MySQL
  • Inserting values into db.
  •  Reading values from db.
  • Updating values of db.
  • Deleting values of db.

Working with Buffers

  • Creating buffers
  • Writing into buffers
  • Reading from buffers
  • Convert buffer to JSON
  • Concatenate Buffers
  • Compare Buffers Copy Buffer
  • Buffer Length
  • Class Methods

Rest API

  • Introduction to the REST API
  • Working with ROBO 3T
  • GET(all) method
  • POST method
  • DELETE(all) method
  • GET(one) method
  • DELETE(one) method


  • What is React and it's advantages
  • Creating our very first react app
  • using codesandbox and learning react
  • Introduction to React apps jsx
  • JSX attributes and styling the elements
  • Inline styling for react elements
  • React components
  • Javascript es6 Import export function
  • props in react
  • Mapping data to components
  • tips on using React tools
  • Conditional Rendering
  • React router
  • Router render vs Router Component difference
  • useParams in React routers
  • useLocation
  • useHistory in react routers
  • useEffect
  • Event Handling and forms
  • Handling form components
  • React axios async await and Pokemon API
  • changing complex state JSX
  • ES6 spread operator
  • Context API with functional components
  • problem at hand
  • useContext hook
  • React redux Introduction
  • Creating our redux app
  • File structure for react redux
  • Designing our cart component
  • Creating the action for our website
  • Creating reducers
  • Creating containers
  • Complete Redux flow
  • Adding the value to the cart
  • Sharing data between components
  • Removing from the cart functionality
  • creating store and reducers
  • Receiving data from REST API
  • Refactoring the code
  • Creating the addContact component
  • Adding the contact details using useDispatch
  • Fixing warnings and creating a file structure
  • Adding the edit contact Function
  • Delete an individual Contact
  • Introduction to Redux thunk and middlewares

Project Work

  • Project Development 
  • Project Evaluation and Feedback.
  • Deploying Project

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