6 Programming Languages used to Develop Android Application
Mobile App Development is the most trending and demanding profession in the IT industry. Even small businesses are moving online and adopting digital changes. COVID and lockdown have played a huge role in these steps by businesses.
Small businesses can promote themselves, their product/service, or even valuable information to their potential customer or customer quickly and effectively. Mobile App is the best way to notify clients and customers about the update, discount, mega sale, and quick offer.
The mobile app development career might even leave the web development career behind with the right approach at the right time.
So, how to develop a mobile app?
Just like software in a personal computer, we need to write lines of code to make a fully functional system, feature, and security issue.
There are few programming languages, libraries, and framework that mobile developers can use to build a smooth mobile application. Let’s look at the best coding platform that can be implemented in Mobile App Development.
Java Programming
Java is the most versatile programming language that can be used efficiently and effectively in almost all areas of system development. Java Training helps you in writing efficient code to build Mobile apps, websites, and desktop applications. This allows programmers to quickly implement all the logic in all the platforms at the same time.
React Native
React Native is the Javascript library developed and launched by Facebook. React native is used to create a beautiful UI that has awesome design and features.
React Native allows developers to create cross-platform mobile apps. This reduces the time and effort to build an application for both mobile OS. Cheaper mobile apps can be developed using this native javascript library.
The logic and code we use to create an app in one platform can be used for developing an application on another platform
Kotlin Programming
Kotlin is the famous Programming Language that is being used to develop a mobile App. This is one of the easiest ways to develop a cross-platform mobile application based on the same logic and same codebase.
Suppose you built an Android Application for a big organization. Then when you plan to develop IOS App for the Same business, You just need to make it compatible with the iOS operating system. Using different stages, and migration techniques, one can easily make iOS and Android apps from the same Kotlin Programming.
Kotlin Programming is easy to learn and execute. One with little knowledge of the programming concept can easily learn the coding. But, the thing that matters is how creatively you use the code to build a perfect mobile app.
Php Programming
PHP is yet another programming language that can be used to build an advanced mobile application. PHP is used to connect front-end data to the database. Typically, it is a server-side programming language that helps developers easily manipulate the data that are input into the android application
PHP training helps you to understand what PHP is capable of along with its usage in Android App Development, and web application Development. PHP
Swift App Development Programming
Swift is one of the most used programming languages in mobile app development. Swift is making it a lot easier for developers to develop cross-platform applications. This was a powerful programming language to make only iOS & Mac applications before. But, today swift can be used to design android applications based on its iOS apps.
So, Swift made the iOS developer design an android app easily with its cross-platform ability to make a mobile app.
Python Programming
Python Programming is one of the strongest programming languages to make a digital application. Python programming is the best-known cross-platform language. With python, you can build an android app, iOS app, desktop app, website with a single code. Python has many features that programmers love to see in a programming language. And cross-platform application development is one of them
Another advantage of using python in android app development is, we can incorporate Artificial intelligence and machine learning as well. Building a next-level mobile app is possible with python programming
Android App Development is one of the trending career options for IT professionals. Android App Development Training is a must if you want to build your career in this field. Having core programming skills in the mentioned programming language isn't enough to design a beautiful android app. You need to use various android development kits, software, platform, and ideas to design apps. To become a perfect app developer training with an expert is required.