SEO Career and Scope in Nepal
In the twenty-first century, Internet ruled over the market gave rise to a new career field as SEO. This is a new kind of job role created to solve the problem of online transparency or therein a lack of, of an organization. As an SEO analyst, you have to tackle various analytical and technical problems. This means planning, coordinating and executing the activities that promote your company in the SERPs(Search Engine Results Pages). To achieve this, you have to carry out meticulous, predetermined and research-backed methodologies.
These methodologies or procedure needs to be updated and rinsed every week because search engine companies use various formulae to rank the sites. These formulae are changed and tweaked in order to rank only the most relevant information. This is why, if you want to pursue a career in SEO, you should keep yourself updated with the SERPs.
It is a painless experience to get started with SEO, nonetheless, it is a vast topic, because an SEO analyst has to consider various factors while preparing SEO strategy. For example, whether they are targeting Local or International customers, what keywords are clients competing for, it is a long tail or short tail keyword, what is the global competence of the keyword, what is the long term scope of the client, can client afford timely and valuable content, is client ready to invest in building links through proper channel, etc.
Even after considering these factors, it is a challenge for the SEO analyst to guarantee success because we've seen a considerable number of high ranking websites being punished because of their inorganic and black hat SEO.
In this article, we'll explore the term/job SEO. The article is divided into the following parts:
- Introduction
- Roles of SEO analyst
- How to get into SEO?
- Tools/ Products used
- SEO career path
- Future of SEO
- Scope of SEO in Nepal
SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization is self-explanatory, it is the process of optimizing the website of a company to bring valuable traffic. To bring traffic, SEO personnel is tasked with executing various tasks of planning content strategy, link building, keyword strategy, various SEM campaigns, onsite and offsite optimizations, keyword research, implementing advertising techniques, etc.
SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is done by an SEO Analyst. An SEO Analyst is a person who has got extensive experience with the inner working of the search engine. Though the exact science behind the search engine working mechanism is a closed secret, as an SEO Analyst, he/she implements various tried and tested techniques and strategies to bring the website of the client's website on top when searching for the respected keyword.
Search engines are notorious for implementing new updates to improve their search accuracy. This information is publicly available but you have to be active in popular forums and blogs to garner this information as soon as possible. As it can prove to be vital in ranking the website at the top.
As an SEO Analyst, you have to perform various tasks regarding the recommendation, redesign, reconstruction, etc of the website to increase the conversion of online visitors.
Here are the various roles of an SEO Analyst:
- Generate SEO strategy after proper research, considering the client Goals with SEO
- Setup the onsite and offsite information, eg the XML, robot files, feeds, etc
- Provide the content strategists or the associated personnel with the keywords to be included in the company materials
- Implement link building techniques to meet the needs of the client
- Update the technologies of a website to remain up-to-date with the current SEO trends and developments
- Inspects the analytics, data, key reports while pointing out the specific change of spikes on the clients to show the clear impact of recently implemented SEO strategies
- Communicate about the project status in regards to the timelines of the project, the results and project development
SEO personnel is responsible for handling the performance of an organization's online activities. These include providing the concerned parties with research-backed information to take action and generate results. You also have to suggest designers and developers include certain functionalities to optimize the web content.
How to get into SEO?
SEO is an evolving career. The techniques you implemented yesterday might not work today. The links you built yesterday will lose their values gradually. The search engines are improving each and every day. The incorrect step you took will be punished. Your SEO should be organic and genuine to not raise any false alarms. Considering all these actions, we can start our career in SEO.
The foremost thing to note is, SEO is not only for the large corporations, small businesses like a barbershop, cafe shops, schools, lawyers, etc can also benefit from Local SEO. For example, keywords such as restaurants near me, cafe shops near me, a cyber cafe near me, etc focus on the location of the client. Search engines are smart enough to understand the meaning of these keywords and rank up the local businesses accordingly in their search engines. Therefore, testing your SEO skills in small businesses is a good way to start and experiment with SEO.
Besides, there are various free resources available online to get started with SEO. Though if you want to build a network as well as learn SEO, taking a professional course is a must. These professional courses teach you what tools are used by the professional SEO Analysts and what methods and techniques are implemented to achieve SEO goals.
Some tools/products used by an SEO analyst
- analytics, ad-words, google trends
Analytics plays a vital role in measuring the success of SEO. As SEO is a slow and steady task, the result is not imminent, sometimes taking half a year or more. This is the case for most of the websites, though many factors, such as festivals, events, habits, etc impacts the traffic too. Major search engines such as Google and Bing provide their own analytics to track the total traffics leading to your website.
Ad-words from Google is a popular tool that every professional SEO analyst uses to find out the keywords to reach potential consumer online. This tool can be used to prepare an SEO strategy.
Google trend is an excellent tool to check the health and popularity of specific words in a specific location. This tool shows the timeline of keywords, their search volumes, etc. It also aids in arranging keywords for the contents to be put on a website.
- SEMrush
SEMrush is a paid tool for SEO. Its free version is limited in the feature but you can use it to study the popular links and keywords of your competitor website.
- Alexa
Alexa is a global standard of measuring the worldwide ranking of a website. This is a very expensive tool for an individual. Large organizations use this software to study their competitors, their back-links, global rankings, and other valuable information.
- aHref
aHref is a reputed tool or web application used to measure the Domain Authority, the backlinks of a website and it also suggests modifications for your website.
SEO career path
-SEO intern
Internship in SEO is the best option to kick start your career. As an intern, you will be tasked with link building and off-site optimizations. These activities will help you to analyze the values of a link and how we associate the terms such as DA, PA, etc. The internship will be a deciding factor whether you'll continue your career or not.
-SEO associate
SEO associate is a ladder to become an SEO specialist because to become a specialist you need to have a tangible and successful project. It usually takes a year or two to prove you can bring value to the clients. If everything is done correctly, you'll be easily promoted to an SEO specialist.
-SEO specialist
SEO specialist works specifically on the SEO related tasks of a company. You'll usually be answering to the management team about the progress. You have to handle most of the SEO tasks, and because SEO comes under Marketing and Sales, most of the time - it is your sole task to deal with SEO activities.
-SEO Manager
SEO manager is the management part of the SEO job. In regards to the roles, you have to coordinate the large team to achieve the larger goal of the company. This role is mostly found in large companies that handle a large number of remote employees.
-Head of SEO
The head of SEO is a specialized role. As ahead, you are provided with the required tools and resources to complete the project. These roles are not found in larger organizations, mostly because as you progress you are given management roles to handle the freshers and guide them to achieve the client as well as company success.
After becoming Head of SEO or SEO Manager, you can further enhance your career. The next step after SEO is the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) or Digital Marketing. These roles are similar to SEO except, you will be working with a number of platforms and on various activities.
Future of SEO analyst
As long as there is the internet, there will be an SEO job. This job is the primary vehicle to reach its targeted consumer in today's age. As technology is enticing a large population, it will be more and more important for an organization to be able to reach the client.
Search engines are also faced with a huge ordeal to deal with many large companies building fake links because of a large number of audience in their command. This is a challenge for search engine providers and machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence is implemented to cope with this kind of problem. As these machine learning and artificial intelligence gets better and better every other day, you have to focus on building and acquiring up to date information to rank your clients content and provide the consumers with valuable resources.
The future of SEO is rising in the context of Nepal. Established organizations are seeking competent employees who are passionate and analytical to fulfill this role.
Scope in Nepal
More than ever, the demand for online marketing is increasing in the Nepali market. This means the new businesses are looking for modern advertisers. And SEO Analyst is the perfect role to fulfill this role. The new businesses in Nepal are competing in the global market and the standards are high. This means even if a company creates valuable content, it needs a boost from SEO analysts to reach the targeted consumers.
There is already a huge demand for online advertisement boosters, these businesses are wasting their hard-earned money in an advertisement when they can opt for long term investment in SEO and generate organic traffic. Organic traffic is more valuable than the advertisement and customers are more likely to trust the high ranked content than the ads.
There are companies that are aware of these facts and are generating profit. If we take a look into it, we can find companies investing in SEO, some top-level employees are even taking the SEO classes themselves to better understand about the SEO.
SEO is the proven path to rank your website in the search engines. We know people look for information with the help of a search engine - Google being the most popular one. If we can reach the top search results and provide valuable information to the client, we can also convert the customer.
Modern businesses are implementing techniques such as funneling to convert visitors to customers and using tools such as CRM(Customer Relationship Management) software to maintain long term relationships and build loyal customers. To execute all these operations, SEO also plays a vital role. And therefore the companies require a skilled Search Engine Optimizer.
SEO skill is undoubtedly one of the most decorated skills to possess heading into any IT field in Nepal. SEO experts are some of the most demanded and handsomely remunerated jobs in the market. An ability to be up to date with the new skills and use them in the website growth is a quality many organization seeks. Adding to it, the potential to think outside the box and stand up among the competitors, there's absolutely nothing not to love in this career path. The very first step to leap over others is to learn SEO from the very best, and that's exactly what we do here at TechAxis. Our professionals nurture your curious mind, treat you with the best of skills and more from their years of experience and successful projects. Learning from the fundamentals, grow to be a game changer in this Digital world.
Just give us a call or send an email for assistance through the career path and requisites of any IT courses or skills in Nepal.
Also learn about course content of SEO Training In Nepal.