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How to Learn Python for Data Science?

How to Learn Python for Data Science?

Data scientists are in demand across various fields like finance, fashion, healthcare, etc. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, data scientist positions will continue to be among the fastest-growing jobs in 2024. The projected increase in job openings from 2022 to 2032 is 35%. Python was explicitly mentioned in 78% of data scientist job offers in 2023 and 57% in 2024 src-365datascience. Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Data Scientists widely use Python.

Python has in-built mathematical libraries and functions which makes it easier to calculate mathematical problems and to perform data analysis.

Python is an open-source platform, thereby it has a simple syntax and is easy to learn which consequently makes it a great language for beginners learning data science. Python has several powerful libraries that make data analysis and visualization easy. Also, python is platform-independent since it allows developers to run the code on Windows, Mac OS X, UNIX, and Linux. Nowadays, Python is the most famous coding language for data science. One of the most important strengths of Python in data science is its rich set of libraries for data analysis and visualization. For instance, Pandas is a powerful data manipulation library that provides data structures and functions for efficiently handling structured data, including filtering, aggregation, and merging operations.

There are a lot of career opportunities in this field including data scientist, data analyst, database administrator, analytics manager, etc. With immense career opportunities in this field, data science has become the most attractive job profile in the past few years. In this blog, we will learn about the importance of Python for data science and how to become one. We will explore the available IT training centers for learning Python for data science. We will also explore TechAxis the leading IT training institute in Nepal and how this IT training center will help you to lead your career.

Learning Python for Data Science: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here in this section let’s discuss some of the basic guide that helps you to learn Python from scratch.

Learn Python fundamentals

The first step to begin your journey of data science is to learn Python programming basics. You can easily learn Python fundamentals by joining online classes or practicing through YouTube videos. You can also go for data science boot camps. To get expertise in Python fundamentals, you need to stay consistent and practice as much as you can. You should have covered these topics in the Python fundamentals.

  • Variables, Data Types, Operators
  • Control Flow (if/else statements, loops)
  •  Functions (defining and using functions)

Dive into Data Structures

Organizing, managing, and storing data is crucial as it enables easier access and efficient improvisations. The important Python data structures in Python include lists, sets, tuples, and dictionaries. Each of the data structures is unique in its way. Data Structures help you to organize your data in such a way that allows you to store collections of data, relate them, and perform operations on them accordingly. It is one of the fundamental concepts that beginners get to know about when learning the Python course.

  • Python data structure- Lists: A list in Python is defined as an ordered collection of data that allows easy use for a set of data. While creating a project in Python, it is the most essential data structure. The term “ordered collection” signifies that each value in the list comes with an order that uniquely identifies them.
    For instance: List A=[item1, item2, item3, …item n]

  • Python data structure- Tuples: Tuples are one of the data structures and it is a collection that is ordered and immutable. Compared to lists, tuples use less memory, and they make program execution faster.
    For example: some_tuple=(item1, item2, item3, …item n)

  • Python data structure- Dictionaries: Dictionaries in Python data structure enable users to easily write efficient code. Since its keys are hashable, it is also known as a hash table in many languages.
    For example:print(hash(“b”))

Master Essential Libraries

Libraries are the most important part of Python learning. You should master them thoroughly.

Libraries are pre-written codes and functions that we can use in specific programs for specific operations. There are lots of libraries in Python. Among them, NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotib are the most important ones.

  • NumPy — NumPy, is one of the most broadly-used open-source Python libraries and is mainly used for scientific computation and array manipulation; it is also the foundation for many features of the pandas library.
  • Pandas — A Python library created specifically to facilitate working with data which includes data analysis, data manipulation, and data cleaning. This is the support of a lot of Python data science work.
  • Matplotlib — A Python visualization library that creates quick interactive, animated charts from your data. It is free and open source.

NumPy and Pandas are great for exploring and playing with data. Matplotlib is a data visualization library that makes graphs as you’d find in Excel or Google Sheets.

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your Python course, practice is all you need. There are a lot of online data science communities that will help you achieve your goals like Kaggle, DataCamp, etc. These online coding platforms are free. In these platforms, you get to showcase your way of solving a specific problem and simultaneously compete with the others. You can also build your projects and experiment with it. They provide hundreds and thousands of coding challenges specially designed for users which tests your Python skills. To become an aspiring data scientist, you need to have a portfolio. Your portfolio should include all of your projects that showcase your Python skills. Lastly, improve your Python skills. After being adept in these basic Python skills and creating your portfolios, you should move on to advanced Python learning like machine learning. Applying advanced data science techniques will help you to stand out of the crowd and also enhance your portfolio.

Elevate Your Skills with TechAxis's Python for Data Science Training. Why Choose TechAxis?

For comprehensive Data Science training in Nepal, you can enroll in Python for Data Science courses. Various IT training centers are providing such courses. Out of all, TechAxis is the best IT training institute in Nepal. It is the best because it's affordable. The Python trainers themselves are Data Scientists (data engineers, data analysts, research data scientists) which will ultimately provide you the doorway of opportunity. Their Python course programs for data science are thoroughly organized and designed as per students' requirements. Now, here's the best part TechAxis Nepal has no fixed timeline; they customize training programs according to the enrolled student's pace, ensuring that everyone's on board and no one's left behind. After the completion of the course, they also assign you a project related to your course that will test your Python skills. And lastly, when it comes to internships, they're not holding back.

With a high placement rate, TechAxis Nepal provides internship opportunities to as many students as expected. TechAxis Nepal has its job portal JobAxle that offers job assistance to students. Tech Axis Nepal has collaborated with 20-plus IT and engineering colleges. TechAxis Nepal isn't just an institute; it is a tech hub where your Data Scientist success story begins.

For more information on the Python course in Nepal program for data science explore their website.


In conclusion, the Python course is great for data science. Python is beginner-friendly since its syntax is easier to comprehend. Since Python supports both structured and unstructured data as well as its text processing capabilities, it is suitable for a variety of data science applications, including natural language processing and text analytics. If you do not know Python, you will miss out on many valuable opportunities in your data science career. Therefore, start learning Python from the basics to the advanced level so that you can easily get jobs in data science careers.

Unlike traditional jobs, you need to keep up-to-date knowledge to become a good data scientist and data analyst. Therefore, securing a position in Data Science is a little complex and competitive. However, it is rewarding at the same time since you would be drawing a good amount of money and will have no fear of replacement from automation.

No matter why you want to learn Data Science, TechAxis is here to help by offering comprehensive live online and in-person Python courses. And with the right course and commitment, Python course certification can be a valuable stepping stone to a rewarding career in the tech industry. To commence your journey of becoming a Data Scientist, TechAxis is always there to help.TechAxis has the best Python for Data Science course all over Nepal.

For more information please visit their website.

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